Friday, July 11, 2014


this meets you at the entrance of the "I [heart] Saipan"
store.  And I'll just bet Obama does!  And that he has even
heard of Saipan...


(thumbs up for feet!)

Because the food won the first round...
Okay, these next several come from our exploration of a compound we happened across at night.  The whole place is gated and large, and kinda really, really strange. 
At least they left signs to help visitors know just what services are offered.  (Although why they are in English at all escapes me since it is so very clearly geared toward Chinese visitors.)

(Tinian is a neighboring island, visible from Saipan.  It is known for growing a certain
kind of chile pepper)
 And this sign is just as mysterious.  Because it is at the entryway to our property. 


Oh, I see...Yes, she does seem rather vicious, doesn't she?

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