Thursday, February 11, 2010

return of the (exasperated) Poobas

You, the faithful and loyal readers of RandB, might remember from this post that we're very fond of "Poobas" around here. Daddy especially likes to talk about them a lot.
This afternoon, L. decided to illustrate her father's fondness for Poobas. (That's a heart above Daddy's head as he walks, zombie-like, toward the gigantic Poobah.)

Apparently, Poobas tire of so much adulation. (I'm not sure if you can read what those two Poobahs are thinking about. They both have thought bubbles that say: "Enough is enough.")


Host said...

Enough _is_ enough. I have a problem...

Anonymous said...

the first step to recovery... good; now you've admitted you have a poobaproblem!

Christine C. said...

Good New Yorker cover! I'd like to request the Poobas having an adventure in NYC :)