Sunday, May 31, 2009

sweet music to her mama's ears

A. (on the pot): "Mommy! Come see, I made a worm poopoo!"

It is hard to express how happy I am about this new-found ability of A's. The weeks leading up to this have been, um, quite eventful.

In other news, L. poured everyone's cereal for them yesterday and helped me pour the milk. And that about concludes the report. :)


Anonymous said...

Obviously, the Training needs to be completed... did she at least see that being mommy isn't easy???


Kris Livovich said...

Oh, I'm so disappointed! I was looking forward to a full day's worth of grown-up girl shenanigans...

And congrats to A!

We don't have the drama, but we do have a LOT of underwear washing...

beth said...

Glad you were able to really share the burden of your workload!