Monday, March 31, 2014

in which BR turns 7 and requests a "tornado themed" party

Daddy whipped up this tornado made of streamers right before the party and it really spun around without shredding making a cool funnel effect!  We also had clusters of white balloons all around, to serve as "clouds."

This was a game I  invented: 2 minutes to nibble a
large marshmallow into the shape of a tornado.  Ready,
Set, Go!

My go-to crepe paper game at all birthday parties: this time the idea
was to race to make your teammate into a tornado

"spin around the bat"--another tornado themed game (no hands!)

Tornado cake!  (Daddy decorated)
Our kids had a real "meta" concept for the "Pin the --" game (another go-to around here), and they requested that we pin the donkey into the tornado, which would then be pinned to the Earth which would be pinned to the Solar the Galaxy...and so on.  But we said, Uh, no, thanks. We already bought tornado snacks and built a bunch of props.
"Pin the donkey onto the tornado" will do just fine, thankyouverymuch.
Happy Birthday to our little ham.

And then, when everyone got truly wild, we sent them out to the backyard to destroy boxes (tornado style) and generally run wild.  Overall, a tremendous success.


1 comment:

graMoM said...

the daddy-decorated cake and fan-turned-tornado are great! But your tornadoes running loose behind your house don't look very wild... and you have GRASS!!
Congrats BR! You're 7!