He requested a "half-Spiderman, half-Transformers" party. Given that he is unfamiliar with both (excepted some tangential knowledge acquired while cruising past character-themed bubble bath and gummy candies at the store), we opted for some red-and-blue colored paper cups and plates, and some spidery games at the party.
Also, this double-layer masterpiece of a lemon cake that I somehow managed to pull off (I'm not usually very good at this sort of thing):

Also, this double-layer masterpiece of a lemon cake that I somehow managed to pull off (I'm not usually very good at this sort of thing):
His actual birthday was the day before the party, and maybe that's what caused some confusion. When the grandparents called on the phone to wish him a happy day, I overheard him say that he was not yet 5. After he hung up, I clarified: "You know, you are five now. That's what it means to have a birthday."
He froze, completely shocked: "Really? But I don't feel five..."
It happened, though, it really did. There were two days of festivities and two cakes and plenty of witnesses. He really and truly became a five year-old!
I can't believe it, either.
I can't believe it, either.