Friday, March 20, 2009

who wants $50

It's yours if you can guess what book from her mama's childhood inspired L. to draw this picture. (ps: I don't make any money, so I'm not really going to give you $50.)


Auntie J said...

Do I get to guess? Or is it only people who weren't there for your childhood? Cause that's a pretty easy one... :) Wait, do you HAVE that book?

Wait, what was the actual title....

clairesd said...

i think you, kay and grandma are the only ones who even have a chance.
and yes, i do have the book, which is so well-used it no longer has a cover.
i think we're counting on Lisa to remember the title...

beth said...

I have no clue but am in suspense...

Anonymous said...

is this the story of the little girl who raises the baby dragon even though it is forbidden?

clairesd said...

who wrote that anonymous one?
it's the story of Helbert who wakes up with a plum in his mouth and he and his mum plant it beneath his bed and it grows into a tree (immediately) and they think that's wonderful. and then they walk down to the kitchen and the roots have taken over everything and they are eating Helbert's breakfast so his mom winds the clock back one hour and he wakes up with nothing in his mouth!

Like I said, I don't know the title (obviously).
Help, gramom?

Anonymous said...

"Plum-Dumb: A Story about Helbert"?

Auntie J said...

Meal One.

You owe me $50.