Tuesday, September 2, 2008

such a flattering image of myself I find reflected by my children sometimes...

overheard while I'm cooking dinner:

A.: "Hi, what's your name?"
L.(holding stuffed toy): "This is the Claire shark."
A.: "Let's play together, Claire!"
L. (sharp, flesh-tearing teeth bared): "Argh! No, I can't! I have to do my work! You are going to have to play on your own for a little while so I can finish my work!"


Catherine said...

That's hilarious, Claire! W. & L. love saying our "real" names as jokes. Like, they just say our name and then crack up!

Auntie J said...

I'm dying. That's hilarious!

If it makes you feel any better, P wants to pretend he's L and I'm "Aunt Claire". And if I say anything like, oh say, "time for a bath!" he says "NO, I'm L, you can't tell me that, you have to be Aunt Claire."

Apparently he thinks Aunt Claire is nice and wouldn't possibly make him take a bath. :)

Anonymous said...

No way! that is too funny! just catching up on the blog posts- and have been smiling a lot :)

kit said...

this is awesome.