Friday, December 14, 2007

putting it all together

Today at breakfast our conversation was about how our next door neighbor's great-grandpa had passed away. We talked about the funeral, how Uly's grandmother traveled to Mexico for the funeral, and so on. Then she asked, "But how did he died? Who squished him?"
It took me a second and then I realized: until now her understanding of what it means to die has had to do with scoldings for stomping on bugs.

Then we continued on, talking about how after we die we go to heaven to be with Jesus, but Jesus also lives in our hearts. "In here? But what does Jesus hear in there?" pointing to her chest. What do you mean, L.? "Like later (=earlier) when L. was sleeping and she was coughing--did Jesus hear that?"
Theology lesson: check. Now, moving on to colors and numbers...

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