Monday, November 3, 2014

Flowers in the Marianas (by BR)

this is hibiscus.

we find a lot of these in parks.

bougainvillea are very common here.

I found this at a park. I wish I knew what it was called.

we have some of these in our yard: "awapuhi" is the local name.
(Acalypha hispida) I think is the scientific name for  this.

Plumeria Flowers are very common here.

Flame tree Flowers bloom in the summer.

These flowers only grow on specific rocks.

this might be a yellow hibiscus in our yard?

Flowers of the Rubiaceae family grow in our yard. 

I found this in my drive way.

 this is hibiscus.
 this is another type of hibiscus

We noticed these when we were at CONCRETE Jesus.  

We noticed these when we were at CONCRETE Jesus.

these also grow in our yard (Rubiaceae--star of Bethlehem)


Unknown said...

I don't know what the yellow ones are called, but they were all over Florida when I was growing up.

William says the ones in your driveway are lantana, probably invasive.

Auntie J said...