Monday, September 30, 2013

one more summer adventure

Just when we thought Summer was coming to an end, the start of school was delayed.  And just when we were preparing for a couple more weeks of boring summer activities ("we want school! we want school!"), an opportunity for one more roadtrip popped up...

"are we there yet?" White Sands!
to see these folks:

NOW aren't you glad that school hasn't started yet?

Our girls have been penpals with these girls for a few years but have never met each other before.  Well, not since infancy, anyway...  And, the Livos brought their cousins, too!  Their five cousins, so there would be 9 others besides my three.  And their auntie and mommy and grandma.  All sixteen of us in two hotel rooms.  (Okay, three.  We weren't feeling quite that adventurous...)

We were having so much fun at the Sands that we stayed until dark.  And then a little later... We had grilled steaks and corn and queso and watermelon deliciousness.

...and then we woke up the next day ready to play and play and swim and play some more.

there is so much happening in this photo...where to begin...?

L. with a black eye, and rabbit ears.  Ha.

And that is what you can do in 30hrs with 16 folks, 3 vehicles, 97 degrees in the shade and only one use of the jumper cables.  I'll tell you what, those Hanna/Livos know how to pack in the fun.

1 comment:

Auntie J said...

what IS happening in that picture?? lol