Thursday, October 21, 2010

Leia and Kara in NYC

Kara and Leia came to NY a few weeks ago. We ate, we walked (and walked and walked), we sipped tea and wine and talked into the night (who needs sleep, anyway?), and we saw a lot of fun stuff despite rain, rain and more rain. The NY Transit Museum (a personal favorite of mine), Central Park (of course), Brooklyn Bridge and Grimaldi's Pizza, the E and the G and the C and the A and so on, Five Leaves Cafe, and a new museum (to me): the Museum of the City of New York. On the last day, Beth K. came up from D.C. and we had a picnic at East River State Park, again.

Thanks for the photos, gals, and thanks for visiting!


olittles said...

Awwww! Fun stuff!

Elisabeth said...

It was so wonderful to see you!