Wednesday, July 15, 2009


BR loves this book by Steve McCurry. (remember that one, Leia?) Sometimes he requests it as his bedtime story. It is a book of photo portraits taken from all over the world. He loves the ones of people in extravagant headdresses, or unusual (to his eyes) makeup.

But what he loves most is to flip through the pages and point out which people are "naked!" and which are "not naked!" His sisters love to help:


L. has discovered "Google images." Want to know what an emu looks like? Find an image instantly! Want to see some silent and non-scary fireworks? Google it!

The other day J. wondered aloud whether we should monitor this more closely. How long before a search for a snake or dinosaur turned up, distasteful? I agreed, and he wandered over to see how she was doing on her current search.

He caught her at "n-a-k-e-"



Kris Livovich said...

So funny. She's just trying to learn, Mom. Why do you always have to stop her?

goodjourneys said...

That's hilarious!

Auntie J said...

dude you need some PG controls on that google!!

that's too funny.