Friday, June 19, 2009


The party was a success! We had a fish pinata, a white cake with white marshmallows on it (as per L's request), and games with prizes. The mini-marshmallow relay was especially popular, but that was not a surprise to anyone.
L. got a phonecall from Great-Grandma S. during dinner but she wouldn't let that distract her from her pizza-eating. Friends and family who attended: Aunts Mer & Kay (Viutus in-utero), Aunt "Sassy" and her girls, E. & her family and Isabel and Addison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the shots of all the ladies comparing shoes to see who's stylin AND the boy with the big stick goin after the fish are classic! what a pahty! wish we were there. c u all soon!
-graMoM & grampa