Thursday, May 28, 2009

good reads

BR's favorite book is what he calls, "Ni-nite MOON!" He especially likes the part about oatmeal. You probably missed it, Margaret Wise Brown mistakenly calls it "mush," but he knows she meant oatmeal, so he shouts it out and points every time we get to that part!


A.: any of the dozen Minnie Mouse books she received for Christmas. Jeremy and I are quite sure that we are getting years off of purgatory for each time we read one of those.
She also likes to read along out loud in "Ni-nite Moon" and drive BR c-r-a-z-y.


L.: well, she has a variety of favorites. But her favorite things to do while I'm reading is to correct all my mistakes since she can now read along. Which is pretty fun, but not quite as fun as reading it herself. She likes to switch the last word from each line and trade it with the next one, because it would be WAY too boring to read it the correct way. And if there is an uneven number of lines on a page, she just switches around the order of the last two words from the last line. Like this:
When evening came and Henry bed
had to crawl into finally,
he could hardly wait to finish the wait.
He could hardly castle
for more of the weekend fun.


beth said...

we read ni-nite moon in french every night to eloise and I yell out "mush" at that point because it's way better than bouillie.

Anonymous said...

Anything is better than bouillie!

Even pamplemousse jus!

kit said...

poet laureate lucykins.