Monday, August 4, 2008

i'm learning!

L. likes to have "learning" conversations with me these days. She'll say, teach me something. And then I'll pick a topic (or I will be given one) and then she will start learning. So, we talk about volcanoes and how they work, or I discuss feelings and provide some new vocabulary words so that we can learn to talk about them, or something like that. tonight's conversation:

L.: "So, what is fair and what isn't fair? What does cheating mean?" I explain and then she asks for an example.

Me: "Well, like when I say 'close your eyes while I hide this toy and then we'll play hot and cold until you find it. But then someone opens their eyes when they're supposed to be closing them. That's cheating and it isn't fair."
L.: "Oh, I do that. I open my eyes."
Me: "Well, that's cheating. It isn't fair because then the other kids don't know where it's hidden."
L.: "Right. So that's how I can win."
Moving on to the next topic:
L. "I want to learn about how my feelings get hurt sometimes. So, what hurts my feelings?"

Me: (Hmm...that sounds maybe just a little negative..? Think of a happy topic, quick...)

Me: "Uh, let's talk about something else... I know, how about you tell me where different foods come from. Blueberries?"


"I don't know. Cows?"

"Great. Apples?"

"Apple trees."

"Good. Chicken?"
"Uh, cows?"

"No... try again."
"I don't know. Cows?"

Four years old and doesn't know this. Either we've lived in the city way too long or mommy needs to be fired.


Auntie J said...

That's hilarious! I can't wait to have conversations like that with P. This mornig we were still working on "P, that was BAD. Do you hit mommy?"
Ok, technically, he's right, he does. So,
"Are you SUPPOSED to hit mommy?"
"No. No you're not. You're not supposed to hit mommy. Ok?"
"Poopoo cow! HAhahahahaha!"

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OK, so I haven't laughed that hard in a long time... not since reading cousing P-Rock's blog, or yours a couple days ago. OK, so I laugh that hard all the time when your kids are stupidly cute. Can't wait til you move here... I'll learn her a thing or two... - Aunt K

PS. Also snorted at P-Rock's mom's comment. I like being related to funny people :-)

clairesd said...

ok, funny true story about how this all ended...
she really couldn't figure out where chicken came from so I had to say: "say the word I just said."
"chicken?" and then gives me this look like, "you're trying to trick me, aren't you?"
No, seriously. I wouldn't lie to you about chicken.

Auntie J said...

And thus was solved the age-old chicken or the egg dilemma. L's mom said they come from chickens. So let it be written, so let it be done. :)

Anonymous said...

WHO is the blog administrator??
needing to know,

kit said...

someday maybe chicken will come from cows.