Tuesday, June 3, 2008

yo soy Sam

Some advice for all you new moms or moms-to-be: if reading Green Eggs and Ham over and over again means it is no longer the tongue-twisting challenge it once was, here are some suggestions...
it's got a great ring to it if you do it backwards:

"there or here them like not would I.
anywhere them like not would I.
am-I-Sam them like not do I,

ham and eggs green like not do I.
house a in them like you would?

mouse a with them like you would?"

in Spanish:

"No quiero los huevos verdes con jamon."

or, in French:

"Je ne voudrais pas, je ne pourrais pas dans un bateau.
Je ne les prendrais pas avec une chevre.
Pas dans le noir! Pas sur un arbre!
Pas dans une voiture! Laisse-moi tranquille!"

And then if you realize suddenly that you actually don't know how to say mouse, or fox or goat in Spanish and you're ready to give up, there's your 3 yr-old cheerleader: "Try it and you may, I say!"

Oh, and you don't actually have to worry about any mistakes 'cause you can bet your house AND car AND your Christmas bonus that your 2 yr-old hasn't noticed anything different about the way you're reading it tonight anyway!

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