Saturday, March 8, 2008


A. is learning a lot, and fast. She knows how to count (sort of). She knows her name and age (sometimes). She knows her colors. Well, she knows how to say "blue" and "pink."

What color is it, A.? "Blue." (correct answer: yellow)
What color is it, A.? "Pink." (correct answer: red)
What color is it, A.? "Blue and pink." (sigh.)

She has a lot of full sentences. "I want to take a turn." "It's my turn!" "It's MY TURN!!!" and so on. One of my favorite phrases she uses starts with "I should". What she means to say is "May I..." but somehow it doesn't come out that way...

"I should go on my tricycle."
"I should pick that flower."
"I should have a special treat."
"I should cook dinner!" (this would have been cute, except that she was climbing up on a chair and reaching for a bowl of flour, aaahh..)

1 comment:

Meredith said...

i should take her home with me.