Monday, December 24, 2007

these are my words...

A. also speaks, from time to time. She is getting much better at it, although it's usually just single words here and there. She informs me, for instance, when a helicopter flies overhead (probably about once every ten minutes): "Hockader!"
Then once in awhile she will surprise me with a full sentence. Last night she walked into the kitchen where I had the radio, and calm as can be (as if we always conversed on this level), "What song is that?"

We flipped through a Christmas sticker book the other day and asked her, "Who/what's that?" and got all kinds of answers:
sticker of christmas tree: "santa claus!"
reindeer: "christmas tree"
candle: "can-doll" (allright, got one right at least)
angel: "Aunt Mer" (two!)
random carollers: "snowman" or "grandpa and grandma"
and, my personal favorite, Santa Claus: "Mickey Mouse's Daddy"

L. dumped a whole cup of water on me the other day and I jumped up and hollered (really dramatically) then went to change my clothes. I came back in the room and found A. repeating, "ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!"
here she is, learning to dress herself:

mommy, why can't I move.

1 comment:

Auntie J said...

Awesome. I love how everything kinda sorta makes sense, if you see it from their point of view. P loves telling us what a cows says (moOOOAAAHHH), what a cow eats (gass), and what a cow makes (usually, milk, but yesterday, "meat!")

Merry Santa Claus!