Friday, November 23, 2007

frazeksty--an update

For all monster fans out there, I have some new facts to report about our friend Mr. Frazeksty. I have recently been informed that:
- he is sometimes a monster, and sometimes an airplane
- he is six years old.
- therefore he goes to school.
- what school? why, Chinese school, of course.
- he likes to hang out with turkeys, and also enjoys riding on schoolbuses, preferrably yellow ones.
- he and L. and turkeys at times ride on schoolbuses together.
- and perhaps most important: he has toes.


Anonymous said...

Chinese school, huh? Like cousin A, perhaps? So cute...

Anonymous said...

how bout the L. iguana and the BR iguana? Can we see them, can we?

Anonymous said...


-- he REALLY likes popcorn, but doesn't really like juice

-- is scared of pigeons

-- has a boat that he uses for Christmas time

Auntie J said...

Hey. I think I know that monster. I think he's related to the one that flies around in the dust particles when there's a sunbeam in our apartment... Except that one isn't really a monster, it's a "lady man". P's sure of it.