Friday, October 16, 2015


Kit joined J. and me in Las Vegas for a few days.  Jer did his work thing, and Kit and I played and caught up.

Monday, October 5, 2015

No-school Friday

It was a perfect day for a family mountain bike ride in the forest.  No photos of the forest part here; we just took these on the drive home.  (psst: Guess which one is the middle-schooler...)

Lunch Box Notes, by the Great and Awesome Me

Every morning, I put handwritten notes into each of the kids' lunchboxes.  These are such a hit that at least one of them collects them all in a shoebox under their bed, then makes a "book" for each month, by stapling them together.  

Sure, notes by Mom are to be treasured, but sometimes, you just need a self-authored one: