Friday, October 30, 2009


L wants to put this near the mousetrap... think it will work?

it's been snowing and snowing (and snowing)

I heard it's the biggest October snowstorm in 12 years for this area. I don't know exactly how much we got, but it was over a foot.

There was too much for this poor tree to hold up, anyway.

Molly KC, look who arrived from sunny Nicaragua just in time for all the fun!

I think it took us over an hour to dig out Brynn's car, but at least she finally found her snowboots and didn't have to keep wearing flip-flops...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kindergarten Halloween Party

We went to L's class to join in their Halloween celebration. A. and BR. were a little confused about what to do...

there is no audio for this video. (you're welcome.)

He says, She says

BR has had a lot of practice lying lately. He's not so good at it, though.

Him: "Mommy! The snow shovel bited me!!"

A. was pretty excited when I told her we would be babysitting Baby Cash tomorrow:
"Can we milk him!?"

Trick or treaters...

I'm not so good with seasonal decorations. Luckily, L. is on the ball. There's a fire-breathing dragon, a bat, a monster and a snake. Be very afraid...

Friday, October 23, 2009

note to self

don't post about how you are all over being sick or you may tempt the flu gods.

we are currently in week 3 of on and off and on again illnesses. ugh.


...proudly showing off his beloved basketball shirt.


me: "Come back, BR!"

him: "I am come back-ing!"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

fall visit

Grammie and Papa came to visit a couple of weeks ago. I have been slow to post photos because we have been sick, sick, sick. (Bo-ring.)

Not boring is all the stuff the kids did with P&G. Pumpkin farm visit, trip to Chuck E. Cheese, hike at Red Rocks, visit to the Nature & Science Museum, and more.

getting lost in the corn maze...(seriously, it took us about 20 min. to find our way out!)

a Papa pyramid:

While P & G held down the fort, Mom & Dad flew to Boston to attend an annual Emergency Med. conference and to network with folks about jobs. We've narrowed the search down to three continents: Asia, Europe and North America, in order of preference. We'll keep you posted.

(all photos taken by Grammie. thanks for sharing!)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

L says

"Why does 'w' start with 'd'?"

I was getting frustrated while trying to make an origami bird for L. the other day...
"Mommy. You're talking to a piece of paper."

Sunday, October 11, 2009


it got down in the low 20's.

the trees were a bit traumatized. by the end of the day, this is what the backyard looked like:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

they never stop talking

yes, there have been fewer photos than text posts on RandB lately. That's because they NEVER STOP TALKING.

BR: "I know! Let's play hide and seek!"
Me: "Sure. Let's eat dinner first."
BR: "I know! Let's play hide and seek!"
Me: "Yes, just eat your dinner."
BR: "I know! Let's play hide and seek!"
Me: "Okay BR, just eat, please."
BR: "Mommy, I know! Let's play hide and seek!"
Me: "Stop talking and eat."
BR: "I know, Mommy, I know! Let's play hide and seek!"
Me: "Listen, buddy. Put the food in your mouth and chew."
BR, whispering: "I have a secret...Let's play hide and seek!"